IAC Certification – International Association for Counselling
The ACC is recognized by the International Association for Counselling (IAC). This means that our institute has the IAC quality mark and you, as an ACC student, can join the IAC as a member. This membership has a number of advantages. You will receive:
- IAC’s quarterly journal “International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling” and access to all back-issues since 1978.
- A Certificate of Membership.
- IAC logo for use on your website and materials.
- A free webinar each year.
- The IAC newsletter containing: news, updates, articles, jobs and events.
- Access to the online Members Forum and Round-Table discussions.
- Significant conference discounts and reports. (An annual conference is organised at varying locations).
Read more about IAC membership here.
PLEASE NOTE: Joining the IAC as a member does not ensure that you meet the legal obligations as a coach/counsellor in the Netherlands. For this you have to join a Dutch professional association and/or complaints committee. It also does not mean that you are allowed to work as a coach / counsellor worldwide. The laws and regulations in this respect differ per country, so always check this carefully before you start working outside the Netherlands!

The ACC is recognized by the International Association for Counselling (IAC). This means that our institute has the IAC quality mark and you, as an ACC student, can join the IAC as a member. This membership has a number of advantages. You will receive:
- IAC’s quarterly journal “International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling” and access to all back-issues since 1978.
- A Certificate of Membership.
- IAC logo for use on your website and materials.
- A free webinar each year.
- The IAC newsletter containing: news, updates, articles, jobs and events.
- Access to the online Members Forum and Round-Table discussions.
- Significant conference discounts and reports. (An annual conference is organised at varying locations).
Read more about IAC membership here.
PLEASE NOTE: Joining the IAC as a member does not ensure that you meet the legal obligations as a coach/counsellor in the Netherlands. For this you have to join a Dutch professional association and/or complaints committee. It also does not mean that you are allowed to work as a coach / counsellor worldwide. The laws and regulations in this respect differ per country, so always check this carefully before you start working outside the Netherlands!