NRTO Quality Mark
The ACC has the quality mark of the NRTO (Dutch Council for Training and Education). The NRTO is the umbrella organization for private training and education institutes in the Netherlands. This means that we meet high quality standards and have been audited for this by an external certifying body. The NRTO quality mark guarantees that we are transparent about our products and services, offer adequate services, have a professional demeanor towards our students, work with experienced staff, and that we measure customer satisfaction amongst our students.
The NRTO quality mark is a sign of quality and professionalism in the training market. It gives students and companies certainty when choosing the ACC.
The ACC adheres to the NRTO’s General Terms and Conditions and Code of Conduct. We are also affiliated with the ‘Stichting Geschillencommissie Consumentenzaken’ (the disputes committee for consumers) via the NRTO. If one of our students has a complaint, we will always try to solve this together first. However, if we cannot work it out together, the complaint can be submitted to this independent disputes committee.
The ACC is an active member of the NRTO, the branch organisation for private education and training in the Netherlands. As such we conform to the Code of Conduct of the NRTO.
You can find this Code of Conduct here.

The ACC has the quality mark of the NRTO (Dutch Council for Training and Education). The NRTO is the umbrella organization for private training and education institutes in the Netherlands. This means that we meet high quality standards and have been audited for this by an external certifying body. The NRTO quality mark guarantees that we are transparent about our products and services, offer adequate services, have a professional demeanor towards our students, work with experienced staff, and that we measure customer satisfaction amongst our students.
The NRTO quality mark is a sign of quality and professionalism in the training market. It gives students and companies certainty when choosing the ACC.
The ACC adheres to the NRTO’s General Terms and Conditions and Code of Conduct. We are also affiliated with the ‘Stichting Geschillencommissie Consumentenzaken’ (the disputes committee for consumers) via the NRTO. If one of our students has a complaint, we will always try to solve this together first. However, if we cannot work it out together, the complaint can be submitted to this independent disputes committee.
The ACC is an active member of the NRTO, the branch organisation for private education and training in the Netherlands. As such we conform to the Code of Conduct of the NRTO.
You can find this Code of Conduct here.