Margarita Bernal
“Give me the courage to change what I can change,
Give me the serenity to accept what I can not change,
Give me the wisdom to know the difference”
Franciscus van Assisi
What inspires you to be a teacher?
It is a privilege to transfer my knowledge and experience to others. I love my job and I am inspired by students when I see them having insights, trying new tools and wonderful things arise. There is something magical about learning.
About me
I was born and I grew up in Spain (Barcelona). I moved to the Netherlands at 23, got married and got two beautiful daughters. Since 2006, I have my own company and I counsel individuals, relations and blended families. I also train people in organisations.
My expertise and passion
I love it when my work is diverse, every day something different. I am interested in a wide aray of topics. I am very interested in people and what makes them tick, why do they do as they do? I enjoy discovering with them who they really, truly are. To grow their true potential.
I work with methods like TA, EFT, and I look at situations in a systemic way.
“Be who you are,
To become who you are,
But who you cannot yet be,
in your own way
And your own time”
Why I like to work for the ACC?
I believe in the combination of experience-based learning and self-reflection. The power of the ACC is that you work on yourself in a professional and personal manner at the same time. It is about practice as you preach.
Who is your hero/role model and why?
I have different role models. One is Edith Eva Eger: besides what she did to survive, and how she is as a professional and has dedicated her life to help others; I am inspired and touched by how she had the guts to go back after all those years and confront her demons. She chose her path from surviving to being fully alive.