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NOBCO – Dutch Association for Professional Coaches

The NOBCO is one of the largest professional associations for coaching in the Netherlands.

The training programmes of the ACC are not accredited by NOBCO, but it is possible to become a member of the NOBCO after following our training programmes.

Requirements for admission

To be admitted to the NOBCO with our training programmes, you must meet the following three requirements:

  1. A completed prior educational level of Higher Vocational Education (Dutch HBO) or higher (University, PhD etc.)*.
  2. A completed coaching training programme of at least 50 hours. All our 10 day training programmes qualify for this.
  3. Coaching experience with at least 5 coach clients and a minimum of 50 coaching hours in the past three years. This means that after completing the first-year programme, you must gain additional practical experience to meet this requirement. If you have followed both years (Coaching and Counselling Year 1 and Year 2), you automatically meet this requirement.

* If you do not at least have a completed Higher Vocational Education (Dutch HBO), you may be able to demonstrate your educational level through an EVC process in order to be admitted to the NOBCO. You can read more about that process here.

Other possibilities to join the NOBCO

If you do not meet the aforementioned requirements, there could be other ways to join the NOBCO. Click here for an overview of all possible routes to become a NOBCO-member (page in Dutch).

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